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My Fitness Journey

It's crazy and awesome to look back and see how far you have come when it comes to growth, maturity, and in my case, health! The picture on the left was me in May of 2014. We had just gotten married that Feburary and I had been working hard before our wedding to look and feel awesome in my wedding dress!

While I tried my best, I really didn't know what I was doing to try to lose the 10 pounds that I was aiming to lose before our wedding day. I was completing free Youtube workouts and looking through Pinterest and trying to follow fad diets. It didn't get me the results I was wanting, but oh well! I thought, "Maybe I am not ever going to have a six pack or lose this cellulite on my legs..."

After the wedding my nutrition and exercise went downhill. I didn't have that big goal that I was working towards anymore, and I kept wanting to make all these awsome foods for my new husband. Things like homemade donuts, desserts, and other foods that made me feel miserable and look "fluffy."

About 4 months of this went on before I finally decided I was done feeling gross and feeling unconfident about myself and my body. I wouldn't even wear shorts in the summer! So I decided I needed to make a change and COMMIT to something.

Even though we were super poor at the time, with my husband being a graduate assistant and me being a nanny and full-time student, I KNEW I needed to invest in something financially in order for me to be committed to it. I had tried the free route and it was NOT working for me. I needed to put my money where my mouth was if I really wanted to see some changes!

I had been curious about P90x3, since the workouts were only 30 minutes long and there were plenty of strength-based exercises- my favorite! I decided to pair that with Shakeology because it was on sale that month as a challenge pack! Woohoo!

I had seen commercials about Shakeology before and was curious...until I saw the price. "It's HOW much?! For protein?! How can it be THAT good?!"

But since it was cheaper to get them together I figured I would give it a shot. After about a week of drinking Shakeology every day, I KNEW I did not want to go without it! It made me feel so awesome on the inside, and gave me way more energy than I had before. It helped me with digestion, not craving junk, and lots of other things!

I contacted my Beachbody coach, letting him know that I LOVED Shakeology, but that we couldn't afford it. I asked him to let me know if it ever went on sale. Unfortunately, he let me know that in the 3 years that he had been a coach he had never seen it go on sale on its own. He DID, however, let me know about the 25% off discount, which significantly lowered the price.

After asking a million questions, I decided to sign up for that discount and lead others on the same journey to health. That decision has not only saved me money, but has helped me with the accountability I needed to continue on this journey.

I KNOW that without this accountability that I would have fallen off this journey as soon as I completed my first program, P90x3. But BECAUSE of this accountability, I have been able to continue on, completing other fitness programs, sticking to my nutrition, and losing pounds and inches.


If accountability is something you lack in your journey, I would LOVE to help out! I run accountability groups on Facebook and there are several other coach wives in there, as well! :) Comment below or find me on FB! My social media information is on the bottom of the page.

Good luck to your in your journey and please let me know how I can help out!



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