Instagram Imposter
Yesterday I discovered something very strange on Instagram...apparently someone had made an account with my same name and posted a picture OF me and my husband on their account.
When I create a photo I usually add my website or username so that people can find me, but this person removed that and posted it as their own. It was very strange!
Anyways, this is the real me!
I will also start doing a better job of putting my name, logo or website on my photos so you can know where it came from and so this kind of stuff doesn't happen again! Hopefully...
Are you on Instagram? I would love to connect! You can find me at @coachwifelife or you can click on the Instagram logo on the bottom of my page and it will take you to my account. I'm on Twitter too, but I'm still trying to figure out how Twitter works :) @coachwifelife_
I also run a like page on Facebook called Coach Wife Life. It's a great way to receive daily reminders, funnies, or ideas on being a coach's wife!
Good luck to my fellow football wives as we head into our first games of the season!